Q. Who do you need to talk to in reference to an incident that has occurred?
A. Although the answer to this question can differ, given the situation. Usually where the incident has occurred at is the information law enforcement needs to know so that jurisdiction can be pin pointed. It does not matter where you live, what matters is where the incident took place.
Q. Where can I pay a ticket?
A. Even if the ticket says Prairie County Sheriff's Department on top and was written by a Prairie County Deputy the Prairie County Sheriff's Department will not be able to accept payments.
The Court must be contacted in this situation, which is listed on the ticket. Individuals who received a ticket must contact the proper court. The court information is listed by the court date and time -- this could also be listed on the back of ticket also. The court personnel is who you will need to speak with to make payment arrangements.
The Prairie County Sheriff's Department does not have that information at their office.
Q. Can I speak to someone in jail or can a message be left for an inmate.
A. The only time one of the detainees is allowed to use our phone is if they are calling bondsman or their lawyer. They are allowed a phone call when they first arrive to advise someone where they are and to try to make arrangements to possibly bond out. After that they are able to purchase a phone card through our commissary company. these phone cards are the only that will work with these phones. We ask you to please not call the sheriff's department and ask to speak with an inmate, or ask us to pass along a message -- unless it is an emergency.
Q. What items are inmates allowed?
A. Inmates are allowed three white shirts, three white pairs of socks, three of under clothes and any hygiene products that are clear. The department provides toothbrushes, so those are not allowed to be brought in. They can have books that are appropriate reading material. Other appropriate items include: Crossword books, activity puzzles and board games as well as cards. Food can not be brought to inmates, but they are able to order any snacks from the commissary. The department encourages those who have inmates in jail to bring money that will be noted on the detainees book. This provides them the ability to order phone cards and other commissary items.
Q. When can anyone visit detainees?
A. Due to COVID-19 our visitation rules and regulations have changed and may vary. For more information about inmate visitation you can contact the Prairie County Jail at (870) 256-4138.